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Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Western Dressage
2m 12s
Tim walks us through teaching a horse to turn on the forehand. He shows us what it should look like and some struggles you might run into while teaching the maneuver.
Up Next in Western Dressage
Teaching a Horse to Turn on the Forehand
Tim walks us through teaching a horse to turn on the haunches. He shows us what it should look like and some struggles you might run into while teaching the maneuver.
Teaching a Horse to Turn on the Haunches
In this video, Tim explains what it means to have your horse move off your leg. He demonstrates this maneuver and tells you why it's an important tool to have.
Introducing Your Horse to Moving Off ...
Tim demonstrates some exercises you can do to help loosen your horse's muscles up before a ride. These will help your horse warm up properly and keep him supple and limber.