All Around

All Around

Dive into the dynamic world of versatile all-around skills with Ride TV's All Around video series playlist. This expertly curated collection showcases the disciplines which are apart of the all around, offering valuable insights and training techniques for riders looking to excel in multiple areas. From trail to patterns to rail-work, the All Around playlist provides comprehensive tutorials and expert advice from top trainers. Perfect for both novice and experienced riders, this series will help you enhance your versatility and overall horsemanship. Tune in to Ride TV's All Around video series to master the rang of all around disciplines and elevate your riding skills today!

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All Around
  • Left-Hand Gate

    A left-hand gate is going to be different from a right-handed gate, especially if you normally hold the reins with your left hand. Robin Frid walks you through the basics.

  • Breaking Down Each Step During Right-Hand Gate

    There's a lot of tiny details that goes into mastering the right-hand gate in a trail class. Robin Frid goes over how he works a right-handed gate.

  • Front-Leg Approach to Poles

    A personal preference of Robin Frid's is teaching his horses what front foot they should put over a trail pole first. Learn how it can help your horse get over more difficult maneuvers with ease.

  • At-Home Horsemanship Drill at the Extended Lope

    The next step in this horsemanship drill is trying it out at the extended lope. Robin Frid shows you how to do it.

  • At-Home Horsemanship Drill at the Lope

    Once you master world champion trainer Robin Frid's at-home horsemanship drill at the trot, it's time to test your skills at the lope.

  • At-Home Horsemanship Drill at the Trot

    Put your horsemanship skills to the test by trying out Robin Frid's at-home horsemanship drill at the trot.

  • At-Home Horsemanship Practice

    World champion trainer Robin Frid shows you an at-home horsemanship drill will get you better prepared for the show pen.

  • Changing Leads in the Center of the Cones

    A big part of a Western riding event is being able to change leads in the middle of all the cones. Robin Frid goes over what he does to ensure that he's changing leads in the center every time.

  • Using Poles to Help Guide You in Western Riding

    If you're still learning how to lope through a Western riding line, Robin Frid shows you how you can use poles to help guide your horse through them and learn where your spots are.

  • Loping Through a Western Riding Pattern

    Robin Frid goes over the reasons why he likes loping through Western riding patterns to find his spots and show learn about his line of travel.

  • Line of Travel in the Western Riding

    Finding your line in a Western riding pattern is much more challenging than it looks. Robin Frid explains the importance of finding your line of travel in this class.

  • Pattern Placement in Western Riding

    A major part of Western riding is pattern placement. If you're not in the correct position going through the cones you're not going to get your lead changes in the correct spots. Robin Frid talks about pattern placement in Western riding and the importance of learning where you are in the pattern.

  • Schooling a Trail Obstacle

    When you're schooling a trail obstacle, you need to be strategic with how you school your horse. Robin Frid shows you how he schools his horses so that they understand what he's asking them to do.

  • Schooling the Back-Through Obstacle

    The back through obstacle is a part of every trail pattern, and requires strategic placement of your horse's body in order to avoid hitting any poles. Robin Frid shows you how he likes to practice this obstacle at home so his horses aren't rushing it in the show pen.

  • Trail Pattern Run Through

    Robin Frid goes through a simple trail pattern and breaks down what he's doing before, during, and after each trail obstacle.

  • Left-Hand Trail Gate

    A left-hand gate is going to be different from a right-handed gate, especially if you normally hold the reins with your left hand. Robin Frid walks you through the basics.

  • Breaking Down the Right-Hand Gate

    There's a lot of tiny details that goes into mastering the right-hand gate in a trail class. Robin Frid goes over how he works a right-handed gate.

  • Right-Hand Trail Gate

    Learn the basics of using a right-hand gate and how you need to ride your horse through this obstacle to set him up for success.

  • The Importance of Practicing the Gate and Back-Through Obstacles

    Slower maneuvers like the back through or trail gate are easy to forget about because they usually require a lot of slow movements. Robin Frid explains why you need to spend just as much time doing the slow obstacles that you do on the more exciting obstacles.

  • Left-Lead Lopeovers With a Green Horse

    Once you can lope your horse over poles going to the right, you need to focus on the left lead. Robin Frid shows you how he teaches his green horses to go over lopeover obstacles on the left lead.

  • Steering Your Horse Over Poles

    Being able to properly guide and steer your horse through obstacles is a large part of a trail class. Robin Frid shows you how he steers his horses over poles.

  • Right-Lead Lopeovers With a Green Horse

    Teaching your green horse how to correctly lope over trail obstacles takes a lot of time and training. Robin Frid goes over how he works his green trail horse over a lopeover obstacle.

  • Body Front-Leg Approach to Poles

    A personal preference of Robin Frid's is teaching his horses what front foot they should put over a trail pole first. Learn how it can help your horse get over more difficult maneuvers with ease.

  • Body Adjustments Over Trot Poles

    Are you moving your body too much when you're going over trail obstacles. Robin Frid explains why that might be distracting to your horse—and to the judges in the show pen.